Wednesday, July 14, 2010

Religion and Culture

hi Scholars,

The link for this week is:

Please respond to the prompt: "To help the acculturation of Muslims into Western culture, Muslim women should not be allowed to wear the head scarf in Western schools."


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. The United States of America is known as the melting pot. The amalgamation of different nationalities includes, white Americans, black Americans, Asians, Muslims, Africans, Europeans, Irish, Latino, etc. These groups of people vary within each town, city, and state, all sharing in the free lives afforded to them. Although the United States prides itself on its various cultures each individual group is not treated in the same manner as the other. Latino immigrants are subject to racial profiling according to the SB107 law in Arizona and often times minorities are faced with discriminatory practices by institutions and other individuals. If we continue to allow people to be treated differently because of their physical appearance we lose a potentially cohesive nation. In order to rectify this issue each person must be free to express their culture and/or religious beliefs in order to ensure individuality and maintain a community of diversity.

    It is important to have a united nation. Everyone should be on equal footing to have the chance to succeed. But this goal should not be at the expense of individuality and culture conflicts. The first amendment of the constitution guarantees all American citizens the right to freedom of expression and freedom of religion. Muslim women wearing head scarfs are both a freedom of expression and freedom of religion. No one group of people should force another to change their beliefs in order to better acclimate into the culture. The better alternative is to have people change their attitudes about embracing different cultures so that no one is discriminated against and everyone is free to be individuals.

    Similar styles of dress in western schools would potentially reduce conflict between students. But forcing people to go against their beliefs to reduce conflict may in fact have the opposite effect and insight more anger (especially from parents). Across the nation many schools, institutions, and companies look to structure there program with diversity. The term diversity suggests an array of individuals which includes race, socio economic status, gender, sexual orientation, and even religion. Diversity shapes American culture and to single out an individual group based on their appearance is unacceptable. The purpose of rules or laws is to aid in the betterment of society. Muslim women wearing scarfs is not hurting others. So preventing them from doing so does not benefit others.

    In conclusion, Muslim women should not be forced to alter their religious belief to make it easier for others to adapt to them. They choose to honor their faith and no one can legally take that away from them. If westerners do not like their decisions they must learn to adjust to different people which is not uncommon in the United States.

    word count - 454

  3. Throughout the past decade, society has seen rise to increased visibility of Islamic Extremism. With the attacks of September 11, the bombings in Madrid, Spain, and countless attacks against Israel, Western governments have utilized fear to broaden their range of power over citizens, and, in order to obtain safety, their citizens have obliged. Although it is commonly held that the sacrifice of freedom is necessary to ensure safety, allowing societal freedoms to dissipate will leave to later generations a future that is not worth defending. In order to allay this seeming inevitability, society must stand and speak out against those who would confiscate those freedoms for which so many fought and died. As Benjamin Franklin said, “Any society that would give up a little liberty to gain a little security will deserve neither and lose both.”
    Much discussion has been made of a recent French law banning the use of burqa by Muslim women in public. Although proponents of the bill state that the need for an unobstructed view of facial features necessitates the ban, the law amounts to nothing more than an invasion of civil liberties. Admittedly, not all Western cultures are alike or even similar—as is easily proven by the horrific details of World War II—however, the use of prohibitions such as the one enacted by the French only serve to exacerbate the animosity felt by Islamic Extremists.
    In the case of the United States, there is, indeed, precedent for the protection of civil liberties—namely the first amendment of the Constitution. Although many of these rights have been violated throughout the past seven decades, the idea of freedom of religion remains one held dear by most Americans and would require a great effort to infringe upon. A select minority, however, might be convinced that a ban of burqa in public could be necessitated by a drastic attack similar to those perpetrated on September 11. Those were the same individuals who favored grievous laws such as the Patriot Act, although not the same who currently allow the law to live untouched. What the aforementioned individuals fail to realize, however, is that the Founders of this nation meant for our prescribed freedoms to remain untouched, even in time of turmoil. Indeed, the precedent set by the Founders allows for no leeway in regard to the matter of civil liberties.
    In conclusion, the United States should not allow such an egregious law to be enacted and, although each Western nation holds different ideals, Western culture should pause to give thought to the consequences of similar laws. J. Hector St. John de Crevecoeur suggested the idea of the “melting pot” in his Letters from an American Farmer through which he opined that the culture of the United States should be one devoid of prejudice and affluent in diversity. Indeed, the entirety of Western culture has become, at least in some fashion, a melting pot, rich in culture. To enact laws infringing upon civil liberties and personal freedoms only serves to deter from that for which our forefathers fought so dearly and proves to be a detriment to our society as a global entity.
    Word Count: 524

  4. The United States is considered a nation of diversity; a nation that unifies and embraces all cultures. Often times many issues, including freedom of religious expression, has challenged the structure of the United States belief system. Perhaps the connection between national security and identity has offered the most relevant issues. After the September 11th tragedy, there has been even more focus and emphasis on the acculturation of Muslims into Western culture. Some may believe that Muslim women should not be allowed to wear their head scarves in Western schools. However, in order to preserve the rich diversity and prospective civil liberties and freedom in Western cultures, these religious matters should not be forced in schools or anywhere.

    The attempt to un-veil Muslim women only reveals an insecure nation. Some may believe that a nation seeks security to protect its people. However, looking for a way to provide a sense of familiarity by conforming aspects of religion, the nations would begin to lose a cultural dignity. In other words, you may ask someone to act differently for your own security. But when you ask them to do this while at the same time provoking their culture, there becomes a problem. Centuries ago, the First Amendment of the United States of America granted freedom of expression and freedom of religion to its citizens. If we force regulation and ban the wearing of head scarves in schools, we begin to contradict the Constitution and lose what makes the United States unique; we begin to lose the amalgamation of diversity that highlights our own culture.

    Our own culture and the identity of Western nations becomes a fundamental driver for the attempt at such regulations. Many nations, including the United States, may assume the role of protector, or Global Police. The relationship between head scarves and Islamic marriage often sparks Westernized controversy. Some argue that the head scarf is a symbol of male domination that represents the objectification of women essentially degrading them. However, this argument is universal because often times, in Western Cultures, women are “used” in a way that engages the dominant male view of them. The possessive idea of women as sex objects parallels to the head scarf and its symbol of male dominance. Our Westernized answer to the issue seems to be to strip the women of their head scarves to intercept this male dominance. Yet, we still fail to understand its significance; if we strip women of their head piece, we strip them of their identity because through religion, they are tied to their husbands and the head scarf represents the marriage. Whether Western society agrees with the beliefs or not, we should not interrupt the religion of another culture.

    It is clear to understand the significance of religious diversity within the United States and other Western cultures. Religious acceptance becomes a crucial part of creating civil liberties and freedom that maintain the integrity of the First Amendment. Therefore, Muslim women should not be forced to remove their head scarves in Western schools or in any situation.

    Word Count: 512

  5. @ Jazzy, I enjoy the way you associate religion to other issues such as the Arizona Immigration Law and even the US Constitution. However, I wish that you could have tied the specific issue of wearing a head scarf in a little more throughout the entire essay.

  6. Currently, there is a debate waging in Western countries as to whether or not the burqa and full head scarf should be worn in the classrooms. Many advocates of a ban suggest that the benefits would far outweigh the cons; that students would be safer, that there would be less distraction, or that it would “help” Muslim women acculturate more quickly in to the Western standard. However, these arguments hold little weight in an era of global assimilation and are largely based on fear rather than legitimate claims. Muslim women should not have their rights to freedom, expression, or religion violated strictly because they are women and choose to wear the head scarf. First and foremost this is their choice when in Western schools. If there was an issue of choice elsewhere, by moving to the West, they have the ability to decide, therefore this is not an issue of East and West. If this ban were to be passed, it would only result in increased tension between peoples of different backgrounds. In this essay, I will argue that removal of the headscarf by Muslim women in schools would not help with their acculturation in to Western culture. By continued wear of traditional garb, security is not being threatened. Finally, I will address how Muslim women will help educate Westerners about Islam rather than be a distraction by wear of their head scarves.

  7. Most of the contact between the West and the East on an everyday level is currently taking place through the media. Westerners have seen the results or radical Islamists and have heard the cries of the oppressed from some of the Middle Eastern nations. We have been fed images of the East; what Edward Said calls Orientalism: the way we determine the differences between the “us” and the “other”. There is an increased association between Muslims and violence which a large misconception. This correlation has found its way in to schools where many argue that if Muslim women remove their head scarves, the school will be and feel safer. This is a flawed argument as most students are allowed to wear clothes that could be considered “unsafe” in the first place. Some boys wear baggy jeans which could hide a number of weapons. To say the head scarf symbolizes violence or oppression, one could look at bandanas as symbols of gangs or fraternity t-shirts as symbols of excessive drinking. These are all negative stereotypes that should be dismissed as they will not make a school any more secure.

    Due to the increased presence of radical Islam in the West, many citizens of these countries have felt anxiety towards the traditional Muslim garb as I just addressed above. By removing the head scarf from schools, advocates argue that Muslim women would better interact with their peers and serve as less of a distraction. This argument is based on nothing except for a removal of the liberties that benefit no one except for uneducated consciences. By having these women continue to wear their head scarves, people can become more educated about those people that come from other backgrounds which can help adjust the fearful attitudes that Westerners hold towards Muslims and Middle Easterners as a whole. Just as Christians are allowed to wear cross necklaces or rosaries or Jewish students the Yarmulke, Muslim women should be allowed to do the same. Whether in elementary school or post secondary, this garb excites conversation. This conversation can then lead to a better understanding of the other culture. We have an opportunity to educate next generations about having tolerance and enlightenment. Conflict is less likely to occur when in an academic environment; it serves as a learning experience and should therefore not be banned.

    Although many people continue to argue in favor of a ban against the Muslim head scarf in academics, the arguments in favor of this ban are largely unsubstantiated. Two of the main arguments being heightened security and less distraction, they both fail to realize the gains that could be made from the continued veiling by Muslim women. Not only do the head scarves not pose any more of a threat than many of the current Western fashions, but it is wrongly attributed to radicalism and violence which is largely a Western misconception rather than a problem with the scarf itself. Schools can use the dress to promote an atmosphere of education about other cultures and tolerance for them. This is a far greater accomplishment than simply having the illusion of better security. For all of these reasons and for those mentioned above, it would be a great mistake to ban the head scarf of Muslim women.

  8. Kyle - I really enjoyed your argument and like how you brought the concept of westernization in to the argument. I do feel like your essay would have been strengthened by additional arguments or examples, but overall the structure was very easy to understand. I also like how you tied those GRE words in to it! Way to go Kyle :)

  9. Every day, people in America continue to find themselves in a timeless routine. Waking up, brushing their teeth, eating whatever they are craving, but more importantly making a decision of what it is they are going to wear for that particular day. The freedom in choosing what jeans we wear or what sneakers we sport, is one which is constantly taken for granted by U.S citizens everywhere. Imagine this. It is a hot summer day and as you are walking the streets of New York City, you pass a woman wearing a burqa or a heavy head scarf. Most uninformed Americans would find themselves pondering the same question. Why on earth is that woman wearing such overbearing attire, on such a hot day? However, what many may forget, is that it is because it holds a strong religious significance in her life as a Muslim woman. Until we as people of the world, aside from citizens of the U.S, realize that people should never have to acculturate into any other culture aside from their own; we may never be successful in promoting equality and justice for all. Muslim women who choose too, by their own free will and accord, should by all means be permitted to wear head scarves in Western schools.
    Prohibiting the wearing of the head scarf by Muslim women in Western schools is both appalling, and dissatisfying in my eyes. Here in the United States, although taken for granted time and time again, we pride ourselves in what clothing we wear. For many, it is important to look your best, but for all it is a way to describe and articulate oneself to the eyes of another. Women who find it normal to wear the head scarf, are doing nothing wrong, in fact they are only being themselves. Although many ideas have developed during the existence of Muslim culture, around the wearing of the head scarf such as, women wearing it to signify their lack of persona or status, Etc. None are completely true. As with anything, there is indeed more to the head scarf than meets the eye. Muslim women have even claimed that the head scarf and other attire like it are comfortable and protective in some cases. Wearing what you would like to wear is not a privilege, it is a right. And as human beings, Muslim women share this right with everyone else.

    There is more. Could not fit it all. :)

  10. @ Brenna,
    Your essay was very easy to understand. By reading it, I became further aware of the problem and the stance which you chose to take. It was neat how your brought the idea of media having an effect on the whole situation. You had good use of words, and were organized in expressing your ideas. Good work!


  11. In the United States, the rights of the American people often seem clear but hold limitations. Our first amendment says that “Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof; or abridging the freedom of speech, or of the press; or the right of the people peaceably to assemble, and to petition the Government for a redress of grievances.” Although we have the freedom of speech, we may not yell “Fire” in the movie theater, especially if it is not true. We have the freedom of the press but we have to be careful of libel. In the sixties and seventies it was not uncommon to see protests, marches, and sit-ins, but it also was not uncommon to see individuals being arrested for participation. Many of the same ideals are outlined in the United Nations Charter. Freedom of Religion may be one of the most unclear areas of our freedom because many people have many different religious beliefs. We cannot ban head scarves from Western Schools or we may provoke more extreme reactions from the religious community. It is my belief that the war has stirred up questions concerning Muslims and their faith. Muslim women should be allowed to wear their head scarves in schools because that is a part of their identity that couples with their faith and as long as their dress is not causing harm to the general public, there should be no reason why they should not be permitted to wear their head scarves.
    The head scarves of Muslim women are a part of their religious identity. It is customary for the women of Islamic faith to wear this as a means of privacy and modesty. With our current world situation, we want to be able to identify everyone by looking at them and their photo identification card, as a means of security. Although this is a valid concern, photo identification cards are not one hundred percent accurate. People often change the way they look or even hold fake identification cards. To encroach on someone’s privacy because of suspicion is against the United States Constitution and the UN Charter. Modesty is often linked to religion. There are some branches of Christianity that stress that women should only wear skirts, should be well-covered, and should have long hair but we do not target those groups and tell them to dress differently. With the head scarf being such a large part of a Muslim woman’s religious identity, it should be left up to her whether she wants to wear it or not. In schools, this idea should be no different. The head scarf is a part of everyday wear for these women and if that is taken away they may experience adversity among their people. If they were banned it may cause women of the Islamic faith to close themselves off from the western society. A Muslim woman’s choice to wear her head scarf does not generally lead to public harm.

  12. It is a popular belief that Muslim women are forced to wear their head scarves by their male counterparts and that it is used as a means to suppress women of that culture. The idea of is unique to Western societies, where women are free to dress any way they choose. However, we should not try to press our beliefs of what and how women should dress on people of different religious backgrounds. It is also a misconception that Muslim men are more likely to engage in domestic violence against their wives as argued in the “Veiled Threats” article. The dangers that could come from a Muslim woman wearing a head scarf could be in her pursuit of education in a science lab, where there are a lot of machinery, open flames and chemicals. Even then, there may be a way to modify the head scarf so that these women can still hold to their religious beliefs while decreasing the safety hazard. In no way should women not be able to wear their head scarves in a school setting.
    In conclusion, Muslim women should be able to wear their head scarves in school as an expression of their freedom of religion. The scarves are not causing serious problems among the general public other than not being able to see the women but that is also a part of her religion. We of the Western society cannot continue to think that everyone wants to adopt the western way of dress because that is unrealistic. The sooner we can accept that, the sooner we can continue to further society on more pressing issues.

    Word Count:771

  13. Recent developments in national law have forbidden certain components of the Islam religion, such as the Muslim burqa. Some critics have suggested that furthering the prohibition of the headscarf in the United States will help with the acculturation of Muslims into Western culture. Others raise questions that attack the notion of reasonable limits on practicing religion in public places. A ban on the headscarf in Western schools is definitely plausible. However, proponents of the idea fail to recognize that the United States is a country founded on freedoms and rights afforded to individuals of diverse backgrounds. Meaning, we must respect the beliefs of all men and women, including their views or practice of religion. Prohibiting Muslim women from wearing the headscarf in American schools does not help with their acculturation into the United States culture.

    The Constitution’s Bill of Rights specifically protects U.S. citizens from government intrusion regarding the free exercise of religion. With a school ban on the headscarf, school officials are explicitly denying people who adhere to the religion of Islam their first amendment right. The protection of religion guaranteed in the first amendment construct the very basis of American ideals. Aren’t we supposed to be a nation of unfettered respect and responsibilities: a responsibility to respect all convictions so long as they do not infringe on other civil liberties or violate the law? Perhaps lawmakers must consider this question in light of the development of future prohibitions on the practice of religions.

    The separation of church and state was established years ago. While the division is clear, schools in particular still have a responsibility to enact principles that allow for recognition of faith. For example, school officials are not allowed to sponsor organized school prayer, but voluntary student religious expression is acceptable. The most important factor in this instance is to understand that students are in an impressionable environment. Therefore it would not be fair to emphasize any one religion over another whether in organized school practice or teaching. As a result, Muslim women who walk in school doors wearing the traditional headscarf are by no means interfering with their ability to become accustom to a Western way of life. Nor are they leaving room for harassment or solicitation of the Islam religion.

    In conclusion, the ban of the burqa in the United States does not help with the acculturation of Muslims into Western culture. In fact, it hinders the transition even more. Believers of Islam may view American culture as the land of the free. An outward prohibition of an aspect of their culture that plays such a large role in their lives would come as a disappointment. In effect, Muslim women in particular would find it difficult to immerse themselves in Western culture where they would not feel respected for their personal belief system. The whole ideal of freedom would no longer seem real. In fact, it would be disingenuous altogether.

    Word count: 486

  14. This comment has been removed by the author.

  15. @Gabe

    You did a great job of describing the boundaries between freedom of expression through clothing, and laws that place restrictions on free exercise of choice. However, I think your essay would have grounded more support if you incorporated the freedoms afforded by our Constitution that relate to the religion represented by the Muslim headscarf. Perhaps you touched base with that in the areas of your essay you couldn't fit? Overall, I like that you presented a different perspective rather than a typical response.

  16. The United States was founded on the notion that every man regardless of his religion, background, or situation is created equal under God. Granted, the United States has always been governed by humans who are prone to error and thus have failed to uphold this central value of the Constitution- but we should learn from our past errors. What kind of message would the United States send by outlawing the wearing of burqas in public? Western countries would be just as intolerant of the Muslim culture, as radicals are of our own culture- are we not better than that? Some individuals in this country believe that Muslim women should not be allowed to wear the traditional burqa in schools. But where are the grounds for such a blatant infringement on the personal right to religious freedom and expression? If the United States is to uphold its standing as a melting pot, and a beacon of hope for the world- then this proposition must not pass.
    The argument to remove the burqa goes directly against the principle of religious freedom that citizens enjoy in the United States. What right does any group have to tell another culture what they can or cannot wear? Christians are not prohibited from wearing crosses and Jews are not allowed from wearing yarmulkes so why should the burqa be any different? Attempts at outlawing the burqas reveal an insecurity that many people in this country have towards members of the Islamic culture. This insecurity is an incorrect assumption that possesses no basis and only leads to prejudice and discrimination. And the truth is that the proposition is nothing more than just a form of prejudice.
    As a melting pot the United States as always stood apart in the world as a beacon of hope for people from around the planet. That being said, cultures that have joined this colleague have had to assimilate some aspects of their culture, in order to fully assimilate themselves into the society. But it must remain clear that these cultures do not have to give up their identity in order to become part of this melting pot. Cultures must not surrender their identities. That being said, cultures should be able to assimilate into the American culture without having to surrender their personal identity for fear of acceptance. The American “culture” must adjust itself to accept the Islamic culture as it is and not try to morph it into its own set of parameters out of fear or even prejudice.
    This proposition should have no place in the Western world. We have made mistakes in the past, and should not repeat them. We have no right to deny the expression of any culture and thus should foster the assimilation of Muslims into the Western world, while pushing for their equal rights as fellow citizens in this country.

  17. The statement that the removal of head scarves of Muslim women to aid in the acculturation of them to Western schools, is inaccurate and could in fact hinder their acculturation. The US is known as and was built on being a melting pot of cultures, ethnicities and ideas. For there to be a ban placed on Muslim women’s ability to wear their traditional attire would be against what this nation was built on as well as inhibiting their freedom protected by the First Amendment. For Western nations to feel the need to restrict Muslim women from exercising their religious beliefs and traditions is removing the focus from the educational goals, inhibiting their civil rights as citizens and blurring the line between church and state.

    As referenced in the article, Veiled Threats, there should not be legal intrusion on an individual’s religious practices. By imposing Western culture amongst these Muslim women would be a violation of their civil and moral rights. For instance is it correct to say that some individuals should not have off on certain religious holidays, because it disrupts the school schedule and the learning process? No, individuals have been permitted the right to practice their religion and express the ideals and traditions as long as these actions are not causing harm or disrupting the productive functioning of society.

    While one may argue that these women could be distracting students in the classroom, this could also be true of a Western student wearing a graphic t-shirt with a cartoon character on it or a student wearing mismatch clothing. The possibilities are endless and the scenarios could go on, however, these are all ways for people to express their individualism. America urges its citizens to be individuals and thrive in society, yet to say by Muslim women wearing their head scarf would inhibit their acculturation goes against the very ideals this country was built and still thrive upon.

    In addition to this nation being founded on the ideals of a melting pot, the ideal that church and state shall be two separate entities should still remain true. If a ban were imposed for Muslim women, any expression of any religion in the school setting must be banned, in order to maintain fairness and consistency. This would also reference the aforementioned example of school closings on religious holidays. This ban is singling out a particular religion, could be considered discriminatory action and would only serve as a precursor for chaos to ensue in Western society.

    Many have fought to maintain the separation of church and state, quality education for children and this ban would only be a major setback in the progress of Western society. Not only socially but also hindering the main focus, which the quality education and opportunity for these women to be productive citizens in Western society.

    *Word count:493

  18. Western culture can be described by two phenomena: the free exchange of ideas and modernity. Modern culture encourages a multiplicity of ideas where individuals both maintain cultural heritage and purvey their culture’s ideas. Recently, the debate over assimilation and integration has challenged contemporary conceptions of free society and liberal democracy. Some have argued that Muslim women should not wear headscarves to preserve their individual identities. Others assert that the value of cultural acceptance is preeminent in a free society. Although the values of individuality and cultural assimilation appear to conflict, inevitably maintaining individual choice enables women to make decisions for themselves. If women make choices for themselves, Western culture maintains both the trend toward female empowerment through individuality and religious tolerance.

    During the 1960’s, the United States and Western countries saw a movement toward female empowerment. The right to individual choice, with respect to contraception, abortion and workforce employment, became the preeminent values of Western culture, despite deep cultural reservations. In the modern era, the values individual choice has underscored the debate over headscarves in Western countries. Some have felt that individual women are degraded as a result of the headscarf. Others assert that women have no choice in masking their identity. Inevitably, the movement that lead women to make individual choices for themselves needs to recognize the individual choice that women can make for themselves with respect to their religious expression.

    Although Western countries are an amalgam of influences, cultures and ideas, modern society is brought together by the influences of modernity. Modernity makes culture uniform: as a result of technology and information, people live in very similar circumstances where assimilation is enhanced. Despite the movement toward modernity, many older cultural traditions persist. In Islam, the headscarf is among the cultural landmarks that define Muslim culture. In many liberal Muslim countries such as Turkey, women wear the headscarf and still participate in civic government and express free speech rights. Modernity influences Muslim countries, yet cultural traditions remain unchanged. If women in les free Muslim countries can participate in civic government and maintain individual identity while wearing the headscarf, perhaps they would be able to express themselves similarly in Western culture.

    The article of clothing is not the issue. Western society has seen the Muslim veil as a mask of women’s identity, and a suppressor of women’s rights. However, the movement to guarantee individual choice ignores the individual choice that women make in society to wear the veil or not. In another view, those arguing for suppression of women’s headscarves ignore the participation of women in Muslim society. The reality is that the headscarf is not the suppressor of identity; the idea that women are degraded is a Western construction, born out of the belief that women should be empowered. This belief however ignores that role of choice and free participation. Inevitably, the headscarf in liberal democracy is representative of a subtler descriptor of Western society: free expression.

    Word Count: 488

  19. The argument at hand is whether or not Muslim women should be allowed to wear the headscarf in Western school. The United States of America is one of the most diverse countries in the world in terms of the religion and ethnicity of its population. The United States is also a place where people from different backgrounds can reside and encompass equal rights and freedoms. These rights are violated when the citizens cannot express their religions in their schools. I will argue that it does not help the acculturation of Muslims into Western culture by not permitting Muslim women to wear the headscarf in Western schools.

    The first amendment of the constitution prohibits the government from making any law that prohibits the free exercise of religion. Although it is the right of the Muslim women to wear the headscarf in western schools, some believe that it protects Muslim women from discrimination. Nonetheless, it is the innate right of a citizen of the United States to express their religion and if a Muslim woman chooses to wear a scarf to school, then it is her right to do so. If the scarves were banned in western schools it would not solve the problem of discrimination. Furthermore, if nuns can wear scarves around their head, then we are discriminating against Muslim women and not giving this particular religious group their rights solely because it is foreign to the United States.

    Treating one religious group different than any other in Western society is discriminatory. Some argue that the reason Muslim women should not wear scarves in classrooms is because they cause discrimination. The scarves are not the considerable issue in terms of discrimination. Muslim women would still be discriminated against with or without a burqa in schools. A person of middle eastern descent will be discriminated upon due to the color of their skin or an accent, whether they are wearing a scarf or not. The issue is larger than a scarf and to ban scarves in the classroom would be taking the easy route that does not target the actual problem.

    The statement “to help the acculturation of Muslims into Western society” is nonsensical. In translation, this means in order for Muslim women to absorb western culture, they have to strip themselves of scarves when in fact Western society is partly comprised of Muslim women with these scarves. The United States is unique because the culture is a melting pot; made up many different religions. Muslim women who do not wear scarves into western society would then be taking away from the culture. In conclusion, forcing Muslim women to wear scarves in western classrooms is a violation of the first amendment and is discriminatory.

    Word Count: 475

  20. Mark,

    In your argument you make the valid point of discussing the superficial route that administrators are using to prevent the discrimination of the Muslim community in schools. However, I would have liked an alternative viewpoint to be discussed in your argument. For example, the acknowledgement of ‘separation of church and state,’ and a counterclaim about why your thesis negates or challenges this tenant would have strengthened your argument. The exclusion of this principle weakens your argument.

  21. To help the acculturation of Muslims into Western culture, countries such as Spain are trying to create a law that prohibits Muslim women to wear a burga in Western schools. However, this law is legalizing racism against this particular group. By prohibiting Muslim women to wear a burga in Western Schools, we are not helping to the acculturation of Muslims into western culture instead we are forcing them to hinder their beliefs and to neglect their culture. I will argue how to help the acculturation of Muslim into Western culture we need to understand Muslims’ beliefs and their culture instead of forcing them to neglect their culture through a law.

    Western countries assume that by prohibiting women from wearing a burga in Western schools they are contributing to their acculturation into the Western Culture, but in reality the prohibition of the burga is due to the connotations it carries. To wear a burga for Western countries it means; women are constraint by man, it is a symbol of domestic violence and inequality, but by far one of the biggest symbols of the burga is its relationship to terrorism. Western Countries are afraid of people who wear a burga because they immediately relate the burga to Muslim and terrorism. They don’t even relate it to the religious beliefs of Muslim but rather to the stereotypes people have create over time about Muslims.

    There should not be a law that prohibits Muslim Women to wear a burga in Western cultures because to wear a burga for a Muslim it carries a different meaning than for the western population. To wear a burga for a Muslim woman is not a symbol of being constrained by man or a symbol of terrorism. To wear a burga is part of their culture and believes, is part of who they are. By approving this law we are forcing Muslims to change their beliefs and to disregard who they are. To live in another country or to work in another country does not mean that you have to forbid your culture and your beliefs.

    Human beings have the right to believe and follow their desire religion and culture. No one should be restricted or force to follow certain ideas and beliefs. Western countries want to prohibit the use of the burga in western cultures because they are outsiders they provide assumptions, symbols and the meaning to the burga according to the opinion and assumptions created by dominant groups. Instead of prohibit the burga western countries should hear insiders to understand and learn more about the Muslim culture and religion before creating a law that prohibits part of its practice. The only practice that should be prohibited is the destruction of another human live, because no one has the right to take away the live of another human. This law is been run by the connotations that are attach to the burga.

  22. @ Mark
    I agree to your points. Prohibiting women from wearing a burga is discriminatory. You made a good by pointing our how discrimination will occur even if they do not wear a burga, because discrimination exists against their religion not against the way they dress.

  23. It is being argued that, in order to help the acculturation of Muslims into Western culture, Muslim women should not be allowed to wear the head scarf in Western schools. However this is an extremely egocentric and intolerant claim. To prohibit the burqa or hijab in Western schools, would be a law which treads on the individuals first amendment rights. If we continue to be in support of laws, which tread on and limit the rights of the individual’s freedoms and liberties, then there will be a compromise to the integrity and validity of national documents such as the constitution, or declaration of independence. This can be seen in the current state of affairs where more and more laws are being passed by the United States’ government which ultimate infringe on the individual’s rights.
    The United States calls for a separation between church and state. This dictates that no law should be passed that will promote or prohibit the worship of any particular religion. This is reinforced in the First Amendment to the United States Constitution, which allows for the free exercise of religion. Though by asserting that women should not be allowed to wear the head scarf in western schools, this acts as a law conflicting with the individuals first amendment rights. The hijab is rooted in the Muslim tradition for women as a sign of modesty. It is a religious symbol and part of the practicing tradition. To deny the female adornment with the headscarf is to deny women the right to freely exercise their own religious beliefs.

    With the passage of the Patriot Act and the SB 1070 Immigration Law, we can see a general trend in new legislation, which breeds intolerance to immigrants and other cultures. The United States, a country founded on immigration and known for its vast diversity, is slowly denying its heritage. The American ideal supporting “freedom and liberty for all”, is slowly being amended to “rights only for cultureless westernized citizens”. To continue to pass legislation in a similar vein reinforces the government’s confidence in gaining the access to control more and more aspects of our daily lives. It is easier to control people when they look, act, and speak the same way. Assimilating and conforming other cultures into a banal westernized state is the result of egotism and a need for power. The more power that is acquired the less rights and freedoms people will have.

    In conclusion, it is apparent that the United States government has gained the control necessary to successfully instill legislation that compromises the freedoms of the individual. As we lose more freedoms of expression and rights, the Western governments accrue more legitimacy to instill greater control in the form of legislation.

  24. Muslims who decided to be part of a Western culture should be treated fairly. Women who decide to pursue an education in a Western school should be allowed to wear a head scarf. There are other ways to make individuals from other cultures assimilate to the life of other country. Indeed, if western societies force women to not wear a head scarf, an object that it is important for their religious beliefs then these people will prefer to not leave in these societies. Muslim women should be allowed to wear head scarf at schools in Western society for three reasons. First, they should have freedom of religion and right to practice, second, if they are obligated to not wear their head scarf they will feel like they do not belong to this country that does not respect their beliefs and finally, a head scarf is part of their identification and who they are as persons.

    Even if Western culture will like Muslim women to be like the rest of the citizens in the society by not letting them wearing head scarves at school but this is not the correct way to accomplish acculturation. Muslim women should be allowed to wear head scarves at school because this is part of their religious freedom and they should enjoy rights that citizens from western societies have. Acculturation should not be used as an excuse to make Muslim women to not practice their religious beliefs, just because they are new to a country does not mean they have to change who they are to adjust to this new culture. Muslim women are being discriminated for who they are when they move to a Western country and if are not allow to wear head scarves then their freedom of religion will be violated base on the constitution or the rights that a human has.

    There is no doubt that when people migrate to another country they want to feel like they fit and they do not want to be seen different by the rest of the population. If women are forced to not wear the head scarf just to feel that they fit then they will be sad and depressed because they will lose sense of who they are. Muslim women who were head scarf have strong person beliefs to do it. If a country like the United States makes Muslim women to not wear the head scarf then women will not be happy to be part of the culture because they know the country does not respect there are differences between people. Now, the US is a very diverse country and this differentiates it from other countries because they respect and celebrate diversity.

    By not allowing Muslim women to not wear head scarves at school Western societies want to make something good and help them assimilate to a new country, however they are getting something bad in exchange. This could cause some emotional problems to these women because they will be missing a part of who they are. Head scarves are part of their religion and their religion is an import aspect of their lives that in a sense can guide their behavior. Muslim women identify because of the head scarf they wear. If they are not allowed to wear this at school they will be missing part of their identities and may not see themselves as Muslims.

    Women who want to study in a Western culture should be allowed to wear a head scarf because this is important for their identities, for their religion and they should be treated equally and not different just because they are Muslims. In addition the head scarf is not germane to the education they are going to get at school. Western societies will exacerbate a problem if they treat Muslim women differently just because of their religion. Western cultures should foster diversity and accept everyone as they are without putting barriers in their paths.

  25. At Jasmine:

    I like how you use US as an example and mentioned that there are better alternatives to help other people who come to other country assimilate with the changes. I also like the idea of using the Arizona law to get your point accross. Good essay, straight to the point.

  26. Paul,
    I liked that you used modernity as one of your arguements. You made some strong points. Even though these women are moving forward and are gaing more respect and power, they are not abandoning a tradition. Overall your piece is well written.

  27. America has become a salad bowl of cultures from all over the planet. However, many feel that these different cultures should “Americanize” themselves and melt into the melting pot they view as American culture. Such is the case with the effort to ban Islamic women from wearing head scarves in western schools. However, this view can lead to ethnocentrism and a low tolerance of different values and beliefs. I will argue that Islamic women should be allowed to freely wear their head scarves in western schools.
    In response to the 9/11 attacks, many feel it may be inappropriate for women to openly express their Islamic roots for fear it would come off as “supporting the enemy.” However, in disallowing women to wear head scarves for this reason, they are essentially being lumped in with the terrorists of 9/11 when there is clearly a divide between the Islamic community and terrorists. It is the responsibility of the American people to be able to make that distinction. The burden should not fall on these women.
    Some may argue that if the Islamic culture is able to further assimilate into the American culture then it would go far in improving Islam’s image in America’s eyes. Again, the burden should not be on the Islamic community to prove they are not “evil.” Additionally, Islam is undoubtedly a major religion in this country and continues to grow. As a result, it becomes more and more engraved in the American culture. Because of this, Islam does not need to change itself to become a bigger part of the American culture; it appears to be doing so naturally.
    There is a view that head scarves represent oppression of women and if the west allows them to be worn in schools it means that they are condoning the oppression of women. This view is completely off base. The head scarf represents modesty in the Islamic culture. Contrary to the misguided view, the head scarf serves as a mechanism for respecting women. It allows them to cover themselves so wandering eyes do not lustfully stare at them. As a result, women can feel comfortable about walking out in public.
    Along with being the salad bowl, America is also the “land of the free. Banning head scarves from schools does not support this notion. Which is why any bill which bans head scarves in school should be discarded.

  28. The proposal of prohibiting Muslim women from wearing their head scarves in Western schools won’t aid to their acculturation into Western society, instead it will serve to force Muslim women to assimilate. It seems that the proponents of the ban don’t understand what it means to acculturate. If they truly wanted acculturation, they would not be so negative in regards to the burqa. Acculturation does not mean that one abandons their values, but it means that one would incorporate new cultural ideas to form an amalgamation of the two schools of thought. The prompt calls for Muslim women to assimilate to Western culture and abandon their religious values and freedoms in order to “fit in.” Muslim women should not have to forsake their beliefs to become acculturated.

    This ban calls for Muslim women to be unfairly targeted and discriminated against in schools. The administrators who enforce this dress code do so to harry one small demographic. If special dress codes are going to be set in place to ensure that no form of religious expression can be made through wardrobe at school, then all religious forms should be prevented from expression in this manner. Those students who dress in all black and profess to be gothic should not be allowed to dress in that manner, also. If they dress in black with excessive eye-liner, heavy metal band T-shirts, and metal jewelry they are likely expressing their Atheist and Wiccan beliefs. If the premise that Muslim women are not adhering to the Christian foundations of Western culture, then gothic students who don’t believe in God at all should also be forced to suppress that expression. Furthermore, if Muslim women are not permitted to wear burqas in school, neither should nuns and priests be allowed to teach in full habit. If the purpose of this ban is to make Muslims feel more comfortable in Western society, they are going about it the wrong way.

    To facilitate someone’s transition into a new environment, one should be made to feel accepted for their differences, not persecuted. Furthermore, people should be able to freely express their religious views without fear of persecution, if not for common decency, then at least for its constitutional merits. In the New York Times article, the author used the 17th century American philosopher, Roger Williams as support of her opinion against these the banning of Muslim head scarves. According to the article, Williams compared imprisonment to “when people are prevented from outward observances required by their beliefs.” The implementation of this burqa-banning policy is the equivalent of religiously imprisoning Muslim students. What’s more it’s a violation of their first amendments rights to freely identify with any chosen religion.

    There is no reason why female Muslim student should be exclusively targeted. The proposal of banning the wear of head scarves in schools is unfairly targeting one group for their religious expression, while ignoring all the others. The way to grow as a nation is not to exclude all that is different from the norm, but foster support for the open discussion that ensue when disparate views are conversing with each other. If the proponents of this ban seek acculturation, they should not continue to support this ban, but instead devise a plan to educate the broader population so that they understand why these women choose to observe the tenants of their religion in that way. Anything less than a genuine attempt at accepting Muslim religious expression as an individual right is unfair and unconstitutional discrimination.

    WC: 584

  29. Western culture has come into contact with many other cultures throughout history. Currently, the culture has come to a crossroads as it comes into further contact with Muslim culture. Some argue that in order to assist in the acculturation of Muslims into Western culture, Muslim women should not be permitted to wear head scarves in Western schools. However, those that believe headdresses should not be permitted in Muslim schools fail to realize that the argument is both short-sighted and illegal.
    The argument that Muslim women should not be allowed to wear head scarves in Western schools is completely short-sighted. Such a view shows an ethnocentrism and arrogance, that is clear evidence why other cultures hate the West. Some may argue that religion has no place in public institutions because religion should be separate from the state. But this is not a valid argument because most of the governments in the West were founded on religious principles, so it is inherently impossible to separate the two. More importantly, the decision would set an extremely negative precedent. For example, what if the Middle East decided to no longer allow Western students to wear crucifixes in schools there. This process could escalate back and forth until outright persecution based on religion and ethnicity occurs.
    In addition to being short-sighted, the argument is down-right illegal. At least in the United States, it is illegal to persecute someone based on religion. Opponents may argue that Muslims are not being persecuted, but to interfere with some none’s religious practices is to harry them. The First Amendment of the Constitution guarantees freedom of religion and worship. That being said, head scarves are part of religious worship for the Muslim people. Accordingly, forcing a Muslim woman to remove her headdress in order to attend school would be completely illegal. This would be comparable to not allowing a Catholic student to attend class because they have ash on their forehead from Ash Wednesday. With that in mind, to agree with the argument would be to forsake the law that the country holds so dear.
    As time goes on, different cultures have increasing contact with one another. Many question whether Westerners should help in the transition by not permitting Muslim women to wear head scarves in Western schools in order to help in the acculturation. But this would be a mistake because it is short-sighted and illegal idea that would only exacerbate relations between the two cultures rather than help.

    Word count: 410

  30. @ Dani: I liked the argument based on the Patriot Act. It was impressive how you used your prior knowledge in your essay.

  31. @ Candice: I like how you used the examples of atheists and Wiccans. They really helped further your argument. Way to think outside the box.

  32. Religion is something that is sacred to billions of people around the globe. Even still, amongst those multitudes, there are millions that belong to different sub religions. Moreover, there can be many more subdivisions of a specific religion after that. Given the millions of people who all have affirmed their specific faith, which can mean different things to different people, how can one religion or view enforce law on another?

    To women of the Muslim faith, the traditional headscarf, the hijab, is often, though not always, an important part of their faith and their identity. Personally, many Muslim women report that they feel more comfortable with the hijab on knowing unwanted male advances will likely be deterred. As a religious symbol and keeping with the value of modesty, the hijab allows Muslim women to participate religiously – honoring themselves, perhaps their husbands or other male family members, and God or Allah. This idea is seen no more strongly than in France, where the issue is being battled seemingly everywhere.

    On one side of the argument, those outside the religion, who do not understand the significance of the hijab, view it as an oppressive symbol meant to keep women down. Additionally, it is labeled as something that keeps Muslim women from assimilating into French (Western) culture. However, much outcry comes from third generation, French-Muslim girls who wear the hijab. They argue that being the children of Muslims born in France they have every right to express their culture as both French citizens who also happen to be Muslim. In addition, they argue the hijab is not something they wear solely for religious purposes, that it truly has become something signifying who they are as people. A prime example of this would be the Muslim women of Turkey.

    Presently in Turkey, despite being a country that is en large Muslim, the people there, not only the women, have added Western ideals to their Muslim values. From open bars, to Western, more secular-style beaches it is a nation much unlike others in the immediate area. In addition, because it is not a specifically Muslim state, many women there have the option whether or not to wear the hijab. While many do, and others do not, those who choose to wear a hijab have many different name brand, designer styles to choose from – an extremely Western ideal.

    In closing, to say that for Muslim women to be acculturated into Western society they must be forbidden to wear the traditional headscarf is outrageous. Their headscarf’s not only are not some sort of barrier that hold them back from experiencing life to its fullest. The hijab is worn as both a religious symbol, but perhaps more so as a representation of who the women wearing them are as is all fashion, at its core.

    Word Count - 467

  33. @Candice
    I like how you used the inherent biases of prohibiting the expression of one group outright but not others who express themselves similarly - through fashion

  34. The Muslim head scarf is one of the easiest ways to identify Muslim women in public. In Western culture, Muslim women, wearing head scarf are conspicuous, and are often the target of discrimination and bellicose. It is therefore argued, that in order for Muslim women to be acclimatized into Western Civilization, and so that they would not be the target of any form of discrimination, that they should not be allowed to wear head scarves in Western schools. This method of resolving the problem of non acceptance of Muslims in western culture is flawed though. By forcing Muslim women to adhere to western societal customs and by impeding them from openly practicing the religion of their choice, banning the use of head scarves in Western schools infringes on the civil rights of Muslim woman. Banning the use of head scarves my Muslim women in public schools would not help with acculturation of Muslims but it would antagonize and isolate them.

    Some argue that, because the head scarf that Muslim women wear, covers a significant portion of their head, it draws feelings of distrust towards them. They argue that face covering is usually used by people with negatives agendas like thieves. However, facial covering does not imply negative ambitions. The widespread increase in technology for instance, allows most thieves to operate using the internet and thus they have no use for facial coverings. To associate Muslim women who chose to wear head scarves as people with hidden agendas, like thieves, especially today, when most thieves do not even use any sort of head covering anymore is unfair. Also, contrary the argument that only people with harmful intentions wear facial coverings, priest, nuns, surgeons and skiers, all wear head coverings daily. These people however, are never associated with criminal activity. This sort of hypocritical logic where only Muslim woman who wear head scarves are associated with criminal activities is the type of provocation that will antagonize Muslim woman in Western culture as opposed to helping with acculturation.

    It is widely conceived that in order for a group of people to be acculturated into a particular society, that they must conform completely to that particular culture. However, acculturation is not a one-way process. Successful acculturation of one group of people into another, already exciting, group of people requires understanding and respect of the two involved groups. Forcing Muslims to adhere to the culture of Western society without Westerners trying to understand and appreciate the culture of Muslims is not helping with acculturation at all. It just targets Muslims and makes them appear to be rebellious of laws. In order to help acclimatization of Muslims we should understand that some people chose to wear head scarves and others do not, but regardless of what we chose to wear we are all humans and should be treated with respect.

    Muslim woman should be allowed to wear head scarves, because there are no justifiable reasons for them not to. Forcing Muslim woman to ignore their religious beliefs does not only discriminate them but it violates their civil rights.

  35. According to some people, it is necessary for Muslim women to stop wearing the head scarf in Western schools in order to help them with the acculturation process into Western culture. However, others believe that this is violating the women rights by prohibiting them to wear the head scarf which is part of their religion and their culture. If this continues to be a problem in school, then they should make the women take their head scarf off at a school setting, because other students in these same schools are not allow to wear any symbol that represent their religion beliefs, so the veil should not be allow. Also, there is no need to force people into doing something they are not comfortable doing, this situation has been repeated through out the years, every time when trying to integrate new members into a culture. Therefore, I do not agree that it is necessary for women to not use their head scarf in order to help with the acculturation into the Western culture.

    Some people believe it is necessary to prohibit the use of head scarf in Western schools in order to help with the acculturation of Muslims into Western culture. However, others believe that they should not allow this because is going against their freedom of religion and practice. Although this is true, some argue that if schools do not allow other students from other religions to wear anything that symbolizes their religion, then they should also make this something for Muslim women to follow. Thus, there seems to be no relevance from prohibiting these women from wearing their head scarf and the way they will integrate to the Western culture. Or is this necessary because if they don’t allow this, then they will dress like all the other girls in Western culture do and become more integrated into the Western culture?

    Moreover, some people believe that when someone comes to a new culture it is necessary to give up some things, like the way one dress or speaks in order to accustom one self to a new culture and way of life. The acculturation process to a new culture is not always easy, and people believe that for example, Muslims will be able to integrate into the new society by changing the way they dress. However, others believe that in order to feel comfortable when entering a new culture, it is sometimes necessary to keep some of the customs they used to have and get use to new ways of living. But this should not include changing the way they express their customs and religion. Another example, could be with language and not been able to speak your native tongue in order to help with the acculturation process, which sometimes makes it harder because they are not able to express what they believe and/or feel. This is why I believe that there is no need for these women to take their head scarf in school in order for the acculturation process to exist.

    In conclusion, the acculturation process can be a long one, and even if the government or schools prohibit someone to change the way they dress or speak, it would not make things move any faster. Instead of making it a rule, the women should have the option of whether or not they should wear they should wear their head scarf. This is a technique that probably will help people from other culture to blend into the Western cultures. It is better to have an option than to be forced into a new culture customs and beliefs.

  36. @ Gabe.

    I like how you broke the the topic into a very simple argument. I agree, people should have the right to wear anything they feel like wearing when the wake up for the day. I wish that your entire essay could have fit though.

  37. @ Ashley,
    Your essay is really well-put, the examples you gave are really clear and they explain why you don’t think is fair for Muslim women to take their head sacrf. The example of the graphic t-shirt, and how this is part of individualism and if they don’t allow these women to express their individualism then this goes against what America is suppose to be.

  38. The United States was established under the notion of freedom. Many people would disagree on the ways in which freedom was established or who was initially considered free and equal. Now in the modern U.S., full free has yet to be reached. To help the acculturation of Muslims into the Western culture, some legislators are posing that idea that Muslim women should not be allowed to wear head scarves in Western schools. This idea is unbelievable considering many restrictions against women’s’ attire and appropriate dress has been lifted decades ago and women in the U.S. can dress pretty much as they please. Moreover, not only would a head scarf restriction infringe upon religious morals for some Muslimahs but it will also be a violation of that individual’s freedom of expression. Banning burqas in Western schools is an intolerable invasion of religious liberty.

    Banning burqas in western schools unfairly targets Muslimahs, whose religious practices require them to cover their heads in public areas. Among many other religious beliefs, there are plenty of Christian denominations that require women to keep their head covered during prayer or in public. A prime example of such denominations would be Pentecostal, Apostolic, and women of Holiness. In fact, women of these denominations are often asked to wear skirts to differentiate their dress attire from men. There has not been any restricts on women in these Christian denominations, who chose to honor God by covering their head and/ or wearing skirts to school. According to the principles of John Locke, a law restricting burqas in Western schools would hinder individual protection of equal liberty of conscience since this law would be discriminatory against practices and penalizes beliefs. Essentially, since these women are attending a western school, they are being penalized for being Muslimah.

    Head coverings do not hinder learning. One of the key reasons for burqas is to protect a woman's beauty from lustful eyes of the world. School is supposed to be a safe environment that encompasses all areas of learning. However, some people may believe that religion and state should be separated in all aspects. A diverse environment yields better opportunities for academic growth of all individuals. Exposure to different religions, different practices, will help familiarize children with practices seen in the real world. Although Muslim children may not be able to escape social criticism, by prohibiting head coverings, these children are being subjected to (visual) world views of others and depriving them the opportunity to appropriately worship their God.

  39. By banning burqas in Western schools, officials would be potentially subjecting women to negative feeling related to body images. If a Muslim woman found comfort in wearing a burqa and practicing modesty in public, being forced to remove her burqa could leave her feeling uncomfortable in a supposedly safe environment like school. Although some have argued that banning burqa may elicit “space” to these Muslimahs from the pressure of their father’s and other male relatives to wear burqa, that claim is not always rendered to be true. Muslim women and girls raised in a household where it is preferred for women to wear head coverings are now being subjected to ideas (in school) that it is not acceptable for girls to cover their heads. For women choosing to wear their burqa and attain education, a ban against wearing a burqa in school would deprive these women from fully practicing their religion in public- a direct violation of freedom of religion. Consequently, for individuals who strongly practice their Islamic faith, the decision to ban burqas may result in these women choosing between obtaining an education and leaving western schools in a religious protest.
    In conclusion, a ban against Muslim women from wearing burqas infringes upon individual freedom of religion. Instead of aiding in acculturation, restricting Muslim women from wearing head coverings is discriminatory, subjects these to lustful eyes, and does not allow them to practice modesty in public. Whether you deprive all students from all religious practices in school or just Muslimahs from wearing burqas, it is unacceptable to restrict religious attire in a society committed to equal liberty.
    Word Count: 683
    Great use of examples. I completely agree with your point about seeing a general U.S. trend towards intolerance of certain individuals with the recent passage of SB 1070 Immigration Law and the Patriot Act. Very interesting point. So much for America being a giant melting pot?

  40. Since the war in Iraq and Afghanistan turned the attention of the Western world to the Arab world, there has been debate about their treatment of women and certain Islamic customs. One point of contention is the wearing of the head scarf in Western schools. Some people believe that it represents male oppression and should be outlawed but forced removal serves as a different form of oppression. No matter what the feelings or reasons of the Western world may be, Muslim women cannot be singled out for their religious attire. Muslim women should have their religious insignia treated the same as any other; they should be held to pre-existing regulations regarding religious wear in schools. In the US, that means that Muslim women should be allowed to wear the head scarf.

    Many American schools don’t allow hats or headgear to be worn because of possible gang significance, but exceptions are made for Sikhs wearing turbans. This same exception should be extended to Muslim women. While some women are forced to wear head scarves in Middle Eastern countries, forcing the opposite upon them is no help to their situation. There should be no question about whether or not the head scarf can be worn if Christians are allowed to wear crosses and Jewish males are allowed to wear yarmulkes. It would be discrimination to disallow it while others display their religion. No premise can allow for separate treatment; all religious identifiers must be banned or allowed. Any other action is a violation of the 2nd amendment.

    The second amendment allows for free practice of all religions. Many women may want to wear the head scarf because they respect the meaning and purpose for it. Not allowing them to wear it is forcing them to adopt a way of thinking they do not believe in. Most dress codes for American girls ask them to wear certain minimal amounts of clothes; disallowing a public show of modesty would not make sense in the context of most dress codes. If school administrators are worried about girls feeling obligated to wear the head scarf, they should present the option. Between administrators making it known that schools are a safe place and seeing their classmates, girls may feel more confident about making their own decision. Taking the power to choose would simply move Muslim girls and women from one corner to another.

    Creating another atmosphere where Muslim women may feel coerced could discourage them moving to the Western world. This could cause them to stay in situations where they have limited educational opportunities and rights because they fear being persecuted in the Western world. Those who have come here may feel further profiling in a society where terrorist attacks from fanatic Muslims have slighted many against an entire group.

    Western culture is characterized by its mix of colors, religions and languages. No minority group should be restricted to assist in acculturation. Muslim women don’t need another dead end or requirement for their dress; they need to be treated like other citizens and legal residents and given options.


  41. People from all over the world come to the United States for both the opportunities and freedoms this nation offers. As the “melting pot” of the world, the U.S is known for diversity that is cultural and religious. This is largely because the United States protects the freedom of religion and cultural practices. However, it has been recently suggested that some eastern cultural practices may inhibit adaptation to western culture. Therefore, some are suggesting that to help the acculturation of Muslims into Western culture, that head scarves should not be worn in Western schools. Despite this notion to mitigate cultural exclusion through acculturation, this law would in actuality go against the freedom of religion, promote cultural insensitivity, and inhibit cultural inclusion.

    The first amendment states that “Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof.” As such, suggesting that Muslim women should not be allowed to wear the head scarf in Western schools would go against this very law and prohibit the free expression of religion. The head scarf, or rather the burqa, is an expression of Islamic religious beliefs and notions of modesty. In prohibiting this practice, one would infringe upon the very freedoms that were set to stand against religious persecution and to promote tolerance. It is important to stand true to such fundamental laws and respect religious rights.

    Secondly, impeding on the right to practice the use of burqas in schools would promote culture insensitivity. Restricting such important cultural practices, such as wearing a head scarf, imposes Western ideals instead of helping Muslim women to adjust to Western customs. Forcing women to not wear traditional cultural attire demotes cultural tolerance and acceptance of religious practices. Impeding on beliefs that are important to a culture goes against the foundation of our nation, as a county that welcomes diversity. Acceptance of different practices helps others to understand and demonstrate respect for other cultures. Therefore, restricting such rights would do jus the opposite.

    Lastly, denying Muslim women the opportunity to wear their burqas in schools will actually inhibit cultural inclusion. People feel less apart of a culture when they are not accepted as they are. For these women who value the practice of wearing the burqa, prohibition to do so will contribute to feelings of exclusion. Culture plays a major role in identity formation, and for Muslim cultures the burqa shapes how women are viewed and show pride in their culture. Forced removal of the burqa could result in feelings of resentment among Muslims because their cultural practices are not accepted in schools. Allowing one to openly practice their culture will help them to feel accepted and adjust. If diversity is a value then it is important to show acceptance of other cultures and their religious practices.

    In summary, it is important that schools allow Muslim women to wear head scarves in the schools. This is because our first amendment, which protects the freedom of religion, makes it Muslims’ right to do so. Also, enforcing otherwise would demonstrate cultural insensitivity and inhibit cultural inclusion. It is necessary that we promote acceptance and tolerance if we truly want other religious cultures such as Muslims to adapt and feel included in Western culture.

    Word count: 538

  42. @Little Leeah
    I like how you addressed instances where freedoms are suppressed for good and largely undisputed reasons. It showed that you thought out both sides of the argument

  43. A strong immigration movement has occurred recently where Muslims are moving into western countries. As with any people, they bring their own culture, beliefs, and ideas with them. Some western countries have argued to better accustom the Muslim people into the western world the head scarf worn by women should be removed in western schools. However, removing the head scarf will educate Muslim women on the culture of the west but instead create abhorrence towards western culture. Three reasons to not ban the head scarf in western schools is showcased below. The first point is that history has shown that westernization hinders the succession of the indigenous culture. The second point is shows discrimination in restricting Muslim dress and the third is a better way to address educating Muslims about western culture.
    Americans once tried to help another culture become more western at the cost of the people. Native American children from forced from their families to live in schools taught by white settlers. At these schools they were to learn English, arithmetic and western culture at the cost of losing the ability to speak their language, cultural activities, and alienation from their people. Today, almost all of the Native American culture, religion, beliefs, languages and people are gone forever because of westernization. These same phenomena can be seen if Muslim women are forced to remove their head scarf in Western schools. If this proposal were to go into effect, than one part of their culture will disappear and ultimately other laws and bans will be placed on Muslims until they are barely able to pray five times a day in peace.
    Why is the west strictly focusing on Muslims instead of all immigrants? Immigrants come from every part of the world, why not make similar laws for them. For example, why not make the Hindus eat a beef hamburger from McDonalds because that is a part of western culture? The act of trying to force one set of people to do something liked by the majority is discrimination. The Muslims are being focused on because of a few people’s hate and mistakes. We should not punish the whole because a certain group is acting out, instead we should focus our efforts on the smaller group. Getting rid of the head scarf is not going to stop the violence that is occurring but most likely increase it.
    The United States is supposed to be the melting pot however it does not deal well with change. A melting pot is where differently flavored ingredients are mixed together to create a delicious soup. The point here is not to restrict Muslim women of their cultural norm but to expose them to the western culture and they do the same for the west. Instead of restricting their head scarf, a class or workshop with both Muslim women and American women should be created explaining the norms of both cultures. This will give both cultures insight into each others and educate both groups. If the Muslim women choose to remove their head scarf it will be of their own free will instead of forcing beliefs and ideas onto them. Muslim and Western women should be educated so that any stereotypes or opinions can be cleared up thus acculturating both cultures into one another.
    The west should not try to use legislation to enforce their views on Muslims because history has shown the degrading effects of doing such a thing. Also getting rid of the head scarf is discriminatory based on the fact that no other religion or culture is seeing such bans. Instead of forcing oneself onto the Muslims, a class or workshop should be held showcasing both cultures so that Muslims have the free will to make an educated decision.

  44. @ Leeah,

    Good use of the second amendment in your argument. America is based on this amendment and thus no Muslim women should be forced not the wear something that she wants to. Good mention of the other article of clothing allowed in schools. These items don't receive ridicule so neither should the head scarf. Very sound argument with use of well put examples.

  45. It has been suggested that banning the wearing of the traditional and religiously important burqa in schools will help Muslim assimilation into western schools. This argument has no basis or logical support that such a ban would increase Muslim integration into western society and is in conflict with the western ideal of self-identity and individualism. Furthermore, such a ban would be a direct challenge to freedom of religion, which served as the foundation for the formation of America. While integration should be sought to infer a sense of unity among the citizens of America, it should not be achieved at the cost of banning non-uniform beliefs. It should be achieved through acceptance and understanding of cultural differences.
    The argument to ban the wearing of the Muslim burqa, is a band on a religious practice that contradicts the principles on which this nation was founded. America was formed by puritans that choose to escape from the Church of England, so that they could practice their religious beliefs freely without persecution. To allow a ban on a religious practice in order to facilitate integration into western culture is hypocritical and absurd. To help assimilate Muslims into western society, religious tolerance and acceptance should be demonstrated. Such methods would display the characteristic qualities that allow America to harbor so many different cultures and religions harmoniously.
    A key facet of Western culture is the belief in individualism and self-identity, which is often displayed in youth’s colorful clothing, body modification, or general sense of style. To ban the wearing of the Muslim Burqa would diminish these individuals ability to express themselves and their unique cultural heritage. Without this method of expression, they damage their emotional and physical ties to their culture, which has as much standing as the puritan heritage of this country’s founders. Furthermore, such a targeted ban against one religion would come across as discriminatory towards the affected individuals and further alienate them from America culture.
    In a land that was founded on freedom of religion and protection of the right to worship how you wish, the idea of a ban on the wearing of the Muslim burqa is hypocritical and reminiscent of the Jim Crow laws that supported the notion separate but equal. The only way to make such a ban equal is to allow the complete separation of religion in state, with the banning of all religious symbols and practices from American schools. As long as it is permissible for Christians to wear crosses or those of Jewish faith to possess the Star of David, it is discriminatory and hypocritical to ban the wearing of the Muslim burqa in schools.

    word count: 439

  46. Leah,
    You started your essay off with a very strong and potent argument. I liked how you pointed out the hypocritical nature of banning one religious practice and not others. I just felt your closing was a little weak in comparison.

  47. It is difficult for everyone to accept the differences in each other and see beyond the surface. But it is the differences between us, especially in the United States of America, that create a dynamic and exciting nation to live in. If the Western world chooses to suppress the religious beliefs of a culture, it will be the beginning of the end for the freedoms we represent. It is well known that people come from across the world to revel in the glory that is our freedom in the US and it would be a disservice to out standards to begin suppressing the rights of those from a Muslim culture.
    In the free world, everyone has the right to live as they please as long as they are not harming others in the process. Though everyone in the classroom may not be Muslim, the students must respect a females right to cover her head in respect of her religion. If a Christian has the right to wear a cross, made of gold, around their neck, a Muslim female should have no restriction against the way she honors her faith. It is a convoluted concept to restrict one religion’s expressions, but not others. It is an outright eradication of their rights.
    Everyone must be treated equal under the law, and the First Amendment covers the right to express your religious belief. It would go against everything that the constitution stands for to prevent Muslim females from expressing themselves in the classroom. Some may claim that a school must be uniform in order for student to be focused and learn, but it is through personal expression that one may learn the most. If a school wants to be funded by the government, they must adhere to the laws of the state and banning hijabs would be illegal. It is in the bet interest for the children to learn about different cultures rather than try to shun them away. We now live in a global society, and the sooner we accept this, the better off our nation will be.
    Our nation was founded by the religiously persecuted so it would be shameful for us to deprecate the struggles they went through by reigniting the persecution. Though many in the Muslim world see the US as an enemy, it is no excuse to mistreat Muslim Americans who are trying to live normal American lives. They deserve respect like any other citizen and we should not be treating our children to repudiate the many different cultures that make up this country. It is necessary for the sake of the planet to have our children become loving and accepting citizens of the world. It is through understanding and acceptance that we may one day have a peaceful existence.
    In the end, it is more important to conserve the right of our citizens and the freedoms we hold sacred than to worry about the effects that may result from some students who wear hijabs. While there may me some disturbances in a schools due to their appearance, the situation can be turned into an educational moment for students to be exposed to a different culture. Differences must be embraced and celebrated, for those are what make us who we are.

    Words: 543
